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  • What’s the difference between an Agent Managed Sale and a Premium Managed Sale?
    The Agent Managed Sale has a low upfront fixed fee, you conduct the open house inspections and we do the rest. (Available in NSW only).

    The Premium Managed Sale has a low fixed fee paid only when sold. You sit back and relax, and we totally manage the sale. (Available Sydney Metro only.)

  • Are your fees really fixed, even if I get more for my home we estimated?
    Yes, absolutely. Our fee is fixed according to the lowest acceptable selling price for your property. If you sell for more – and some of our clients sell for thousands of dollars more – you pay no more. Guaranteed.
  • I live in Melbourne – why do you only offer Agent Managed Sale and Premium Managed Sale in NSW?
    MasterSell is based in NSW, but we’re discussing partnerships in other states. So if you live outside NSW, standby!
  • How can you afford to charge less than the usual real estate commissions?
    Because we have fine-tuned our systems, we bulk-buy from suppliers and we do as much as we can online. We’re very efficient too. So you still get great service, but at a much lower price.
  • If I take a free listing and realise I need more sales tools, can I upgrade to a paid listing?
    Yes, at any time you can upgrade to a paid listing for your property sale or your business sale.
  • How can I be assured of getting the best price for my home?
    That’s where our years of experience come in. Often we’ll take a different approach to other agencies. We’ve sold properties that have been languishing on the market for months, and we’ve achieved far better prices than sellers hoped for. Just read our testimonials.
  • Why would I use MasterSell rather than selling at auction?
    If your property is considered rare or desirable, where establishing an asking and selling price may be difficult, MasterSell can arrange to sell your property at auction. (Sydney Metro only) The Auction process is similar for any sale of property utilising a marketing campaign and open house inspections. The first step is to select the right auctioneer with a proven track record in auctions. MasterSell can help you find the best auctioneer in your area.
  • Can I list my house on as a private seller?
    Normally no. But if you take our Agent Assisted Private Sale package for just $977, we list you on until SOLD. It’s the most powerful property website in the country too. If you take our Agent Managed Sale or Premium Managed Sale packages, your property is listed on and
  • Are you a fully licensed real estate agent?
    Yes. We are licensed in NSW – Licence No: 1000 4345 but we can advertise properties anywhere in Australia on our website.
  • How does MasterMatch work?
    Simple – but powerful. When you list your property on our website, the details are sent to pre-qualified buyers who are waiting to be matched to properties in their preferred location and price range. We have a growing database of buyers and new ones registering every day. So this is a great meeting place for buyers and sellers alike. Once you’re registered on our website and have paid for your listing it is automatically sent to buyers looking for properties or businesses like yours.
    MasterSell will put you right in front of the people who are searching for your services or your trade.

    Our property buyers and sellers need your services right now. They’re looking for painters, plumbers, gardeners, home handymen, carpenters, interior decorators, electricians and much more.

    Just another good reason to join with MasterSell